Finishing up the retaining wall...
Preparing the pad....
Digging the trench for the house foundation.....
Completing the digging of the trench.....
Pouring of cement onto the re-bar in the trench....
Continuing the pouring (close-up)...
The base for the foundation is prepared ....
Looking southwest....
Awaiting the delivery of the home.....
...."as easy as"...
Actually, there's a little more to it than that!!
Wow, there's two pieces of our house...
sitting on the beach, waiting....
And, here's the other piece going up the driveway....
It was a tight squeeze but it fits!
Using the remote to move the house slowly up the driveway.... The first piece coming in for a landing!
The remote tractor angling in the house.....
After positioning the house, the tow truck takes the crawler down to get the next piece...
Getting the crawler under the next piece ....
Cute remote tractor... nice remote tractor... it brought us our house!
Here comes the next part!!!
Getting it up the small hill!
Backing up toward the gate...
A couple of cars wait while the house is angled up through the gate...
A VERY tight squeeze!!